A recent project about escapism through dreaming. Free association and exploring dream content to find inner truth was Freud wading through the mind. My Freudbot wades through internet datasets and constructs a new dreamscape from your dream. I wanted to realise a new Eliza or parallel the complexity of the mind to the internet, perhaps make some sense of new ontological theories about the interconnectedness of all objects... but I just ended up hating Freud and Google.
Try the bot here(If Google permits).

Silicon Valley - as a society - is a complex, non-geographic, interwoven and contradictory set of beliefs, practices and communities. This group project aimed to take a critical look at the practice of the entrepreneur in modern society and the power, leadership and iconography they hold. Whole Island Catalog. Mindmap 1. Mindmap 2.

What the Fossil? An anthropoZine about the anthropocene(before the anthropocene was cool), fossil hunting and mudlarking. Made with some friends last year. Zine.

This is a big ongoing project stemming from my BA first year project about note-taking, online culture and collective value making. Inspired by writer Kenneth Goldsmith, I created an online event allowing people to collaborate and compete to copy out the entire works of William Shakespeare.

Progress and Scores. Stream. Complete Works of Shakespeare Database. Complete Works of Shakespeare List.

Object study: The Horniman Gardens Football play area. The evolution of the Victorian boating pond moved through several stages, including a drinking water resovoir in WW2, adapting and weathering. The cone marks the centre drain, which has been blocked for as long as the garden team can remember. The goal posts were placed here during the 70s after the pool had been dry for 20 years. "Bapuba" writes on the goal posts, marking them in green permanently. The run off from the hill has filled the middle of the pitch with mud making it hard to play football. An unused space, apart from the multiple diy Google street view instances of the same child running round and round. Our interventions in the space, such as to refill the pitch and play pond football in little boats, among other plans, were postponed due to covid.



A documentary short about the non-existent floatation tank scene in London. We talk to one of the pioneer's of the technology, Shosana from the US, and we investigate its effects and practice.

Floatation Tank Zine. Floatation Tank Mock leaflet.